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Govie Editor

The next level online presentation

Govie Editor

Just another 3D-Viewer?

With a few clicks, Govie Editor lets you create interactive product presentations, all directly and online!

Simply create a new slide as in PowerPoint, set the camera perspective and the animation is ready.

More than 100 properties can be set for complex applications and the design can also be freely customized using CSS.


Govie Editor

From within the Govie Editor you can start, stop, and pause your animation. You can even play just a range of your timeline or play it backwards. Supported animation types depend on the file format. In addition to regular keyframe animations, the GLTF format supports armatures and shape keys (aka morph targets).

For more information, see the Integration section

Objects or groups of objects can be hidden or shown using the visibility property. You can add that property to your objects in the 3D-Software of your choice.

For each slide in a Govie, you can change the lighting and background colors. There are several environments to choose from, as well as a custom lighting using sun- or spotlights.

See how it’s done by checking this video demonstration.

To make your models look even nicer, we added some post effects like Depth of Field, SSAO, Bloom, Sobel / Edge Detect, and custom CSS.

Hotspots can be used as interactive Jumpmarks to navigate through your Govie. In addition, they serve as labels or to jump to external pages .

Watch this videoto see hotspots in action.

In a Govie, you can add and format text, images, and videos.

For more information, watch this video.


Govie Plattform

Your dashboard is the starting point for creating and organizing your projects. Get an overview of your projects, see all your workspaces, upload new media to the library, and share or embed your Govie .

For each Govie you can either release a draft or publish the Govie. Either way will get you a share link, but the draft will always leads to the latest version, so people will see any changes you make immediately. Publishing a Govie creates a fixed revision, so you can continue working while users only see that particular status.

Currently, there is no limit to the number of models you can upload. However, the file size is limited to 350 MB. We recommend that you make your file as small as possible to reduce loading times.

More than 30 different formats are supported by our platform, and native CAD formats such as STEP, DWG, DXF or IGES can also be used.

In your Workspace, you can work on the same project with others at the same time! Watch the video for more details.


how to govie

We provide complete documentation, including video tutorials and live examples, to help you create your own custom Govies.


stay within your natural habitat

To create content, you don’t have to learn new 3D software – just use familiar tools. Export your model as a GLB file and load it into the Govie Editor.


see govie in action

This could be your portfolio